Boxout Wednesdays 040 by Aman Sridhar

Check out this week's highlights below - 


Boxout Wednesdays 037 by Aman Sridhar

Another week, another Wednesday, another Boxout FM monster. 

Check out the highlights from this week here. 


Spotlight #20 - Pondicherry by Aman Sridhar

Bringing back Spotlight this week with a stunning shot taking by Rohan during his time in Pondicherry. 

Rohan has been featured on here before. He specializes in landscape shots, and with good reason. Check out his picture below and see what he has to say about it. 



"Pondicherry is one of my favorite places to be in South India. ALong with it’s beautiful french architecture that dates back to 100s of years, it is also home to Rocky Beach and that is what you see in this image. Rocks lined along the coast, lighthouse right behind you, tourists walking, eating and enjoying, locals walking their dogs or running. Diversity is my favorite element at Rocky Beach.  

This shot was taken right before sunset and there was ample light in the sky. I wanted the waves to look dynamic in the pictures and went for a nice long exposure at a low aperture as I had forgotten to pack my ND filter (Stupid, I know). After multiple attempts, this is the shot I captured and I am glad you get to see it here."


Follow Rohan here -


Boxout Wednesdays 036 by Aman Sridhar

36 weeks in, and Boxout Wednesdays is still going strong.

Check out this week's highlights below:


Boxout Wednesdays 035 by Aman Sridhar

The 35th edition of Boxout Wednesdays was an absolute monster.

Check out the highlights below: