Music Photography

Boxout Wednesdays 037 by Aman Sridhar

Another week, another Wednesday, another Boxout FM monster. 

Check out the highlights from this week here. 


Boxout Wednesdays 036 by Aman Sridhar

36 weeks in, and Boxout Wednesdays is still going strong.

Check out this week's highlights below:


Boxout Wednesdays 035 by Aman Sridhar

The 35th edition of Boxout Wednesdays was an absolute monster.

Check out the highlights below:


Boxout Launch Party by Aman Sridhar

This week's event was a little different. Boxout FM recently launched their record label, and I was on deck to cover that event.

Check out the highlights below:


Boxout Wednesdays 031 by Aman Sridhar

Check out the week 31's highlights below!