
Aloft Hotels by Aman Sridhar

The opening at Aloft was an absolute monster one. It put into stark contrast the crowd that I’m used to shooting, with the crowd that generally frequents these events. For me, it was a great exercise in pushing my own comfort zone as a photographer.

Often times, it’s hard to find the balance between an intrusive photographer, and one that mingles with the crowd and makes people around him comfortable. For me, I always strive to be the latter, but when that’s not possible it’s imperative I do what I was hired to do…my job.

At Aloft, what began as a very high pressure night, fizzled out into decadent mayhem, which was an absolute pleasure to shoot and be a part of. Most of my night involved jumping around from one part of the hotel to another, making sure I did justice to the excellent vibe that had been snowballing as the night progressed.

When I finally stumbled my way out at sunrise, I remember feeling overcome with adrenaline.

Here’s some highlights from the night -